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Support and Social Groups

The Pride Center's groups offer LGBTQ+ people of all ages and identities space to connect with peers in a fun and affirming environment, access community resources, and get connected to healthcare and supportive services. 

To get involved with a group, text us the keyword listed under each group below.

Visit our calendar to see this month's upcoming events.

groups for adults

Beyond the Binary

A monthly group for non-binary and gender expansive people

Ages 16+

  • connect and socialize with non-binary and gender expansive peers
  • new activities each month – arts & crafts, outdoor fun, workshops and more
  • learn about and access LGBTQ+ health and wellness resources

Text “beyondthebinary” to 716.274.5616 to sign up for text notifications about Beyond the Binary!

Out & About

A monthly group for bisexual, pansexual and queer people

Ages 16+

  • connect and socialize with bisexual, pansexual and queer peers
  • new activities each month – arts & crafts, outdoor fun, workshops and more
  • learn about and access LGBTQ+ health and wellness resources

Text “outandabout” to 716.274.5616 to sign up for text notifications about Out & About!

Silver Pride

A 3-times-a-month group for LGBTQ+ people ages 55 and better

Ages ~55+

  • connect and socialize with LGBTQ+ peers
  • enjoy arts & crafts, games, brunch and discussions

Text “silverpride” to 716.274.5616 to sign up for text notifications about Silver Pride!


A monthly group for the parents and caregivers of transgender, nonbinary and gender expansive youth to share their experiences raising TGNB youth with their peers.

STYLE meets at the same time as Generation+, a group for transgender youth ages 5-17, so that trans youth and their caregivers can arrive together to attend their separate groups.

Text “STYLE” to 716.274.5616 to sign up for text notifications about STYLE!

Serenity: LGBTQ+ CHEMSEX support

Serenity offers a safe and supportive space for LGBTQ+ individuals seeking nonjudgmental chemsex and substance use support.

Serenity’s chemsex peer support group meets on the 4th Monday of each month, from 5-7pm, at the Pride Center (278 Delaware Ave, Buffalo, NY). Refreshments are always available.

Community members are encouraged to connect, share struggles, celebrate victories, and share support with others with lived experience.

Come as you are – our team is always non-judgmental, and we use a harm reduction approach.

Above all, Serenity is dedicated to promoting acceptance, love, and equality for all members of the LGBTQ+ community who are using drugs, and to providing the tools and resources to help on your journey through recovery – whatever that looks like.

groups for youth


A monthly group for transgender, nonbinary and gender expansive youth to explore their gender in a positive and affirming environment.

Ages 5-17

Generation+ meets at the same time as STYLE (Supporting Trans Youth Lives Everday), a group for the caretakers of transgender youth, so that trans youth and their caregivers can arrive together to attend their separate groups.

Text “generation+” to 716.274.5616 to sign up for text notifications about Generation+!


A safe space for transgender, nonbinary and gender expansive youth ages 5-17 to connect with peers while receiving individualized support from staff as they navigate their life journey.

Text “transyouth” to 716.274.5616 to sign up for text notifications about the Trans Youth Drop-in!

groups for all ages

Living the Experience

A monthly group for transgender, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming people from communities of color

All ages (some events 18+)

  • connect and socialize with LGBTQ+ peers from communities of color
  • new activities each month – arts & crafts, outdoor fun, workshops and more
  • learn about and access LGBTQ+ health and wellness resources

Text “livingtheexperience” to 716.274.5616 to sign up for text notifications about Living the Experience!

Under Construction

A monthly group for transgender people in all stages of coming out

All ages (some events 18+)

  • build community and get support in your coming-out process
  • new activities each month – arts & crafts, outdoor fun, workshops and more
  • learn about and access LGBTQ+ health and wellness resources

Text “underconstruction” to 716.274.5616 to sign up for text notifications about Under Construction!


A monthly group for transgender, nonbinary and gender expansive people to explore gender in a positive and affirming environment.

All ages (some events 18+)

  • connect and socialize with transgender peers
  • new activities each month – arts & crafts, outdoor fun, workshops and more
  • learn about and access LGBTQ+ health and wellness resources

Text “transgeneration” to 716.274.5616 to sign up for text notifications about Transgeneration!