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As a group, LGBTQ+ older adults experience unique economic and health disparities. LGBTQ+ older adults may disproportionately be affected by poverty and physical and mental health conditions due to a lifetime of unique stressors associated with being a minority, and may be more vulnerable to neglect and mistreatment in aging care facilities. They may face dual discrimination due to their age and their sexual orientation or gender identity. Generational differences and lack of legal protection may cause older LGBTQ+ adults to be less open about their sexuality. Social isolation is also a concern because LGBTQ+ older adults are more likely to live alone, more likely to be single and less likely to have children than their heterosexual counterparts. All of these considerations can be compounded by intersections of sex, race, ethnicity and disability.
We're here to reduce isolation among LGBTQ+ seniors and increase the number of LGBTQ+ culturally competent senior service providers.
The Silver Pride Project coffee hour
Check our calendar for dates, times, and locations. Sign up for our e-newsletter for upcoming special events. You can also join our online community on Facebook.
We have partnered with Center for Elder Law & Justice to offer free civil legal services for those who self-identify as LGBTQ+, are age 50+, and meet income restriction guidelines.
Services include:
- Advance Planning: Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy, Simple Wills
- Name Changes
- Gender Marker Changes
- Discrimination Claims: Employment and Housing Discrimination
- Long Term Care Resident Advocacy
- Legal Health "Check-ups"
For more information or to discuss representation, see the PrideLaw services page on the Center for Elder Law & Justice website.
The program is sponsored by the Borchard Foundation Center on Law & Aging.